School Council

Legal Public School Council

Sturgeon Public believes in the importance of strong school councils. School councils play a vital role in supporting schools and ensuring optimal learning can occur for all students. Section 55 of the Education Act ensures that each school will establish and maintain a school council.

Highlights from the Education Act:

School Council Members

Roles and Responsibilities - School Level (School Council and Principal only)

School Council

Roles and Responsibilities - School Level (School Council and Principal only)


2023-2024 School Council meetings are held on the third Thursday of every month at 7:00pm in the office at Legal Public School.


The 2023-2024 executive are:

Our executive is as follows:

Chairperson:  Kaitlyn Breederland

Vice Chairperson: Sarah McIntosh

Secretary: Amber-Rae Ens


Hot lunch coordinator:  Pamela Durdle


School Notice

Register for the 2025/2026 School Year!

Click this link to register your student for 2025/2026!